What is HTML Entity Encode
HTML Entity Encoding is a way to represent special characters in HTML code. HTML code is used to create and structure web pages, and it consists of tags and content.
HTML Entity Encoding is a way to represent special characters in HTML code. HTML code is used to create and structure web pages, and it consists of tags and content. Some characters, such as < and &, have special meanings in HTML and cannot be used as-is in HTML code. Instead, they must be encoded using HTML entities, which are character encodings that represent these special characters.
For example, the < symbol is used in HTML to denote the start of a tag, so it cannot be used in the content of a page. Instead, it must be encoded as <. Similarly, the & symbol is used in HTML to denote the start of an HTML entity, so it must also be encoded as &.
HTML Entity Encoding is important because it allows you to use special characters in your HTML code without causing any issues with the way the code is interpreted by the web browser. By encoding these characters, you can ensure that your HTML code is properly formatted and that your website or web application will display correctly.
There are many other special characters that can be encoded using HTML entities, including characters with accents or other diacritics, mathematical symbols, and other special characters.
To use an HTML entity, you simply need to include the entity code in your HTML code. For example, to display the copyright symbol ©, you would use the HTML entity code © in your HTML code. The browser will then display the copyright symbol instead of the entity code.
There are two types of HTML entities: named entities and numeric entities. Named entities are used to represent special characters using a named code, such as © for the copyright symbol or ñ for the n with a tilde. Numeric entities are used to represent special characters using a number code, such as © for the copyright symbol or ñ for the n with a tilde.
HTML Entity Encoding is an important part of creating web pages and web applications, and it is essential for ensuring that your content is properly formatted and displayed. Whether you are a web developer or a content creator, understanding how to use HTML entities can help you create professional-looking and properly formatted web pages.
Check out 10Web Tools HTML Entity Encoder free tool.