HTML Tags Stripper

Get Rid of HTML Tags in Code.

HTML Tags Stripper

HTML Tags Stripper is a web tool offered by 10Web.Tools that allows users to remove HTML tags from a piece of text or code. HTML tags are the elements that are used to structure and format web content, such as headings, paragraphs, and lists. They are usually enclosed in angle brackets, like <p> for a paragraph or <h1> for a heading.

What is HTML Tags Stripper?

HTML Tags Stripper is a tool that helps users remove HTML tags from a piece of text or code. HTML tags are the elements that are used to structure and format web content, such as headings, paragraphs, and lists. They are usually enclosed in angle brackets, like <p> for a paragraph or <h1> for a heading.

How to use HTML Tags Stripper?

To use HTML Tags Stripper, simply visit the tool's website at and enter the text or code that you want to strip the HTML tags from into the provided text field. The tool will then generate a version of the text or code with the HTML tags removed, which you can copy and paste as needed.

Is HTML Tags Stripper free?

Yes, HTML Tags Stripper is a free web tool offered by 10Web.Tools. There is no need to create an account or pay any fees to use it.

Importance of HTML Tags Stripper

HTML Tags Stripper is an important tool for anyone who works with HTML code, as it allows you to easily remove HTML tags from a piece of text or code. This can be helpful when you want to view or analyze the content of a web page or document without the formatting elements, or when you want to strip out unwanted HTML tags from a piece of code.


HTML Tags Stripper is a simple but powerful tool that can help users remove HTML tags from a piece of text or code. It's free to use and is an essential tool for anyone who works with HTML code. Whether you're a web developer, designer, or simply someone who wants to analyze or edit HTML code, HTML Tags Stripper is an excellent tool to have in your toolkit. 

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